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Is Weed Bad For you ? (Perfect Answer)

According to a new report this week from a United Nations health commission, marijuana consumption has increased among Americans over the past four years, and more people are seeking treatment for marijuana-related health concerns. The number of people over the age of 11 who’ve used marijuana at least once in the last year rose from 10.3 percent to 12.1 percent in 2012, while there was a 59 percent increase in cannabis-related hospital visits from 2006 and 2010. At the same time, public perception of marijuana-related health risks has declined, while THC levels in marijuana have increased. While the measurements were taken before Colorado and Washington legalized recreational marijuana use, the report is sure to factor into the ongoing national debate on marijuana legalization. We thought now would be a good time to take a look at some common marijuana-related health claims and see how much water they actually hold. We'll give you both sides of the argument so you can de...

AM I A Psycho (Search Results The List of Psychopathy Symptoms)

Are you in a relationship with a psychopath? You might think that’s something you’d know right away by the red tint of evil in the person’s eyes, the swastika tat on the forehead, or the insistence on discussing serial killers over dinner. But nope! Psychopaths can be extremely charming and come across like Prince Charming at first. So unless you  know the signs , you’d probably get sucked into the life of a psychopath and not know who he or she really was until you are completely sucker punched. Here are 10 signs you should look out for to quickly identify a psychopath. 1. Flattery like you’ve never heard before.  Psychopaths move extremely quickly. On the first date, he’ll probably tell you that you are stunningly beautiful, unbelievably intelligent, and uproariously witty. He will play into every fantasy and insecurity you have. If you think you’re fat, he will tell you how much he loves your body. If you think you’re shy, he will laugh at every lame attempt ...

What is the Meaning of Life? (Perfect answer)

....MEANING OF LIFE.... What is the meaning of life? How can purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life be found? How can something of lasting significance be achieved? So many people have never stopped to consider these important questions. They look back years later and wonder why their relationships have fallen apart and why they feel so empty, even though they may have achieved what they set out to accomplish. An athlete who had reached the pinnacle of his sport was once asked what he wished someone would have told him when he first started playing his sport. He replied, “I wish that someone would have told me that when you reach the top, there's nothing there.” Many goals reveal their emptiness only after years have been wasted in their pursuit. In our humanistic culture, people pursue many things, thinking that in them they will find meaning. Some of these pursuits include business success, wealth, good relationships, sex, entertainment, and doing good to others. Pe...

why are my nipple so sore ? (perfect answer)

Although there are obviously some benefits to having nipples that are sensitive to the touch, having sore nipples isn’t pleasant at all. Not only is it physically uncomfortable, but it can also make you wonder if something is wrong. After all, healthy nipples shouldn’t hurt. So, if you’ve noticed that your nipples are feeling especially tender lately, the culprit could be any number of things. Here we will talk about some of the most common causes and what you can do about them. #1 Regular Menstrual Cycles Most women experience changes in their breasts and nipples at certain times in their menstrual cycles. In fact, one of the chief complaints that women have about approaching “that time of the month” is the fact that their chest hurts at the slightest touch and that they appeared to grow a cup size overnight (although, some women aren’t complaining about this result). Obviously, if this is the cause of your soreness, give it a couple days and it will go away on its own. You m...

How to write a good cover letter (100% useful tips)

No one likes job hunting. Scouring through online jobs boards,  spiffing up your résumé , prepping for grueling interviews — none of it’s fun. But perhaps the most challenging part of the process is writing an effective cover letter. There’s so much conflicting advice out there, it’s hard to know where to start. Indeed, in an age of digital communication, many might question whether you even need a cover letter anymore. What the Experts Say The answer is yes. “Not sending a cover letter is a sign of laziness. It’s akin to making spelling and grammar mistakes in your résumé. You just don’t do it,” says Jodi Glickman, a communications expert and author of  Great on the Job . John Lees, a UK-based career strategist and author of  Knockout CV , agrees. Even if only one in two cover letters gets read, that’s still a 50% chance that including one could help you, he explains. “It’s an opportunity to distinguish yourself,” Glickman adds. Still, as anyone who’s ever...

How to clear Graduate Record Examination (GRE) in FIRST Attempt (100% working tips and tricks)

Been eyeing the USA as your dream study destination from as far back as you can recollect? Well then, whether you like or not, you have to get yourself prepped for the GRE — if you are looking for studies at the graduate level. The GRE, as you may already know, is a standardised test that most graduate schools in the USA consider as an admissions requirement. Only the computer-based version is available within India. Currently, registering for the GRE test will cost you USD 195. Jaw-Dropping Stats! What’s interesting to know is that there was a 70% surge in the number of Indian students taking up the GRE in 2013! ETS (Educational Testing Service), responsible for the creation and the administration of the test, predicts that this rise is here to stay. ETS revealed that there were more than 90,000 GRE applicants from India alone and that too just in 2013. Woah! That’s a whole lot of students we are talking about! That, in short, is the popularity of the GRE among present d...